24 Hour Recovery & Enablement
We offer a model of care, focussed on Recovery and Enablement, which is personalised, flexible, customer led, outcome specific and evidence based. Having an established 9-5 support service will enable Gateway to offer a step down service, if required, as a service user’s needs change.
Gateway’s twenty four hour service focus's predominantly on recovery, providing a platform for service users to build on their strengths, skills and resilience, using specifically adapted recovery tools. Recovery emphasises the attainment of personal, outcome specific goals along with meaning and control in life as opposed to the alleviation of symptoms. We will develop goals in a collaborative way that optimises independence and wellbeing. This will give people the opportunity and confidence to relearn and regain some of the skills they may have lost due to poor health or an extended period in hospital.
Our 24 hour service provides similar support to our 9-5 service but more intensively and over 24 hours. There will be more of a focus on
Skills development and re-enablement
Household tasks
Maintaining the home
Maintaining tenancies
Meal planning , preparation and shopping
Establishing community links